Page 105 - YB1959_Classical
P. 105
Front row, left to right: M. Holman, N. Helwig, P. Stakem, N. Davis, C. Ritchie, A. Palmer, R. A. Wilson, F. Layton. Second row: M. Gnagey, M. Whitehead, P. Cassetta, I-I. Twining, J. Leatherwood, M. Burgess, L. Reigel- man, N. Butler, N. Gardner. Third row: C. Foard, L. LofRer, B. Wilson, C. Ayars, L. Tucker, H. Goins, B. Davis, E. Cram matte, H. Buehm, J. Lamb, C. Kammerer, J. Younger, J. Filbey. Fourth row: V. Dreyer, M. Nelms, T. Mancuso, P. Reycraft, A. Cartzendafner, C. Powell, B. Ackerman, P. Herring, M. Houk, S. Hunter, J. House, V. Scott. Home Economics Club The Home Economics club, composed pri- At the November meeting, one of the Mary- marily of girls in that major field, sponsors land homemakers gave a demonstration on many meetings of interest to all girls. The Christmas decoration. A fashion show of cloth- "better living" emphasis in their programs is ing made in the sewing class was held in the highlighted by speakers and demonstrators. Lounge in January. During the year various projects are pro- The club is affiliated with the A.H.E.A. and moted to raise money for the group. Note the M.H.E.A. President Helen Twining was paper with an original sketch of the new chapel assisted by Jean Leatherwood, vice-president; on the cover was sold for the first time this year Malinda Burgess, secretary; and Phyllis Cas- along with the Maryland Cookbook. The group setta, treasurer. Miss Helen Gray, the club also sponsored a movie in town during the sponsor, assists in the planning of the spring. programs. 101
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