Page 104 - YB1959_Classical
P. 104
French Club The French' Club, open to all interested memorable program of carols and narration in students, meets monthly to promote a better French commemorating L'Enfance du Christ. understanding of France, her people and her Games and dancing added to the merriment of language through fellowship and fun, the festive Mardi Gras held in February. The The group sponsors two orphans who are year was concluded with a series of French presently in Brittany and Lorraine and remem- plays performed by French students. bers them particularly at Christmas with pack- Mlle. Margaret Snader is the sponsor of the ages and letters. group. Officersfor the year were the following: A French movie is featured in the Fall, and Patricia Cooper, president; Marianne Shears, this year a film of the chateau country was vice-president; Dorothy Gross, secretary; Bar- chosen, Each Christmas the club presents a bara Bell, treasurer. Front row, left to right: C. Latham, C. Bowen, E. Sank, D, Calvert, L. Landis, Miss M, Snader, sponsor; D, Gross, B. Bell, P. Cooper, M, Edwards, M, Willett, C, Gordon, C, Ritter, N, Roelke, N, Sauers, N. Singer. Second row: N, Gardner, S, Boyer, E. Deckert, J, Springer, A, Bowman, J, Simmons, B, Sauer, S, Garretson, R, House, J, King, M. Hammen, E. Morris, A, Arent, P. Piro, J, Banks, V. Schurman, N. M, Smith. Third row: B. Shoemaker, M. Dickey, T, Bowling, M. Hess, B, Heflin, D, Miles, A, Weller, J. Gloersen, J, Hesson, A. Vincent, E, White, D, Gardner, P. Haar, C. Gerwig, S, Fossett, A, Meding. Fourth row: F, Nicoll, D, Yinger, G, Tyeryar, D, Rice, R Null, R, Stonesifer, C. Whitney, K. Carmichael, C, Mitchell, r. Lakin, M, B. Wood, S, Barnes, R. Mason, B, Wolozin. Fifth row: A, Ward, L. Musselman, S, Corbin, K. Jones, J, Hite, J, DeMott, J, Williams, A, Futaih, W, Watts, R Rippeon, F, Cooper, A. Alperstein, Sixth row: F. Stockman, R, Shilling, D, Schwartz, R, Holt, E. Filer, N, Anthony, G, Dent, J, Luckett, D, Bair, P. Miller, A, Bacas, J, Allwine. 100
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