Page 59 - YB1958a
P. 59
WILMA ANN R013ERTSON Rockville, Maryland Home Economics Sigma Sigma Tall; Home Economics cu» 2, 3, 4; \V.A.A. 1,2,3, 4 (Secretary 3, Treasurer 4); French Club 1,2; [nnior Follies; Tri-Beto 4; Homecoming Court 2, 4 (Queen 4); R.O.T.C. Sponsor 2,3 (Queen3); TIl/,re/lIIlIral Sports; F.A.C. 2, 4. "Willie" "W.T." ... The girl who can't do anything, but always does .' "011, what'Il I wear?" .' Graces beauty courts ... Set up housekeeping on campus for six wecks . One of the D.C. suntan kids. JANE ELISABETH lWEDEll Catonsville, Maryland Sociology Sigma Sigma Tau; S.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4 (Secrelary 4); FAC. 4; M.S.M.. 1; Glee Club 1, 2, 3; College Pi.oyers 3, 4; WesleYlllleues 1,2,3,4 (Secretary 2, Treasurer 3); II/niDI' Follies; Class Seers- tllry 3; lllt.rall/ural S1JOrts L "J.R." .. "Rote". . "Aww Jack" ... A finn believer in after- noon naps, exercises, and going to bed early . Collected "Yes" box tops for ceiling decor
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