Page 54 - YB1958a
P. 54
FLORENCE MvlELIA MEHL Riverton, Maryland English Phi Alpha M!/; GOLDBoo 1,2,3,4 (Editor-in-Chief 4); 111'tralllural Sports 1, 2, 3, 4; S.C.A. 1,2; Trumpeter 4; Argonauts 3, 4; Class Vice President 3, 4; Junior Follies t co-outhor and co-director), Who's Who. "Flo" .. "Flora" . Owns Elvis. . Never goes home alone Makosky worshipper Needs 48 hour day. . Ask her about O.C.'s bacon . Alternately curses and praises GOLO BUG. Always the poet . . Staunch supporter of Reo Hall "It's not what you are---" ... Dangerous without glasses. CArL '~I'IERCEY Washington, D. C. Art Pili Alpha. Mil (Chaplain 41; PO/n Pom Team 2, 3; ALOHA 4; intra- mural Sports 1; French Club 1,2; Junio'r Follies. "Meroe" Staunch member of the F.N.C. and J\'I.U.S. . One of campus' best dressed ... From DA to pony tail in four years .. "Do you mean you don't know who Picasso is?" ... Adopted child of Ginnie and Oz. . Da Dn fan ... "That's blah". Phi Alph's chaplain. Eccentric . A Greenwich village Bohemian. RALPH LEROY ~\'IEYEH Perry Hall, Maryland English Pi Alpha Alpha (Secretary 4); 111!/"{/llHlml Softball. Ralph ... Pre-flight Black and White's top pmg pong player .. Champ at chess.. "Who has
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