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P. 55
GENE LAMAH i'vUCHAELS Union Bridge, Maryland Art - Education Camilla Beta Clli; French Club 1, 2; F.'1'.A 4; College Ctunr 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 2; Baseball 1, 3, 4; Intramural Baske/.bol/. 2,3,4. "Gena" .. Swears Carroll County athletes nre best . The Golden Orator of GBX . Been known to kick a soccer ball anywhere and everywhere. . "Don't sweat it!" "Weshoulda- betem" ... Likes to eat. DANIEL ELLSWOHTH tdlLES Sparks, Maryland Sociology Pi Alpha AI,p/w; SUlldalj SCl100l3 (President. 4); Wesle!JlIlls 1, 2. "Danny" . Wednesday and Saturday night visitor to Sinai i~Ibit~~~·1 to sfe~~~~~ ·~11!1~~,\~~;l~}tl1~~I~~~ ~rl!~oSi~wb~(1 .: :.t~~~I~ dad-burn it". A dapper Dan of the dining hall clan "Nothing like penicillin to pick you up" .. Gentleman of note Loyal Black and White. GERARD SHELDON M ILLEH Arbutus, Maryland Political Science Dcuo Pi Alphll; FOD/baIlI, 2, 3, 4; Wreslling 2. "Squirt" .. Gained a lot of yardage for the football team most of which he doesn't remember . Saw Korea from a parachute Joined Verville clan after his sophomore year .. Proud father Owner of new car. A future Poli Sci politician. . Always ready with a pun or story. 49
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