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CLAUDIA ANN FAYNE Wnshmgton, D. C. Art Sigma Sigma Tall; Donn President 4; Women's COllncil. 4; /11/1"(1- mumi S1JOrts1, 2, 3, 4; I.RC.I, 2, 3 (Secretar!) 3); CONl1\AST (Art Editor 3, 4); F.A.G. 4; S.C.A. 4. "Claud" .. "Claw" ... western Maryland's own Mara Han . Friend of equestrian quatrapeds .. Dabbles in paint and poetry .. McDaniel's warden .. Hods around the campi in a '50 Ford White jacket finally got her. Has been known to be late upon occasion.. Music for the mystic Psychoanalyzes upon request. SCOTT IlHILLlllS Westminster, Maryland English - Education Camilla Bela Chi t Secreumj 3, 4); F.T.A. 3, 4. First to leave the dorm to bite the dust ... Gamma Bet Darn nice guy ... Pushes button on crazy machine in A & P . Roels around in big Ford "If you want more of my life tune in later." H1CHAHD LAWRENCE PLASKET Riverside, New Jersey Political Science f?,elta Pi.Alpha t Seoreumj 4); FAG.~, 4; SPOtts PublicO!} 2, 3, 4; French. Ciub 3; I.RC. 1, 2, 3, 4; [unior Follies; ALOHA 4; Class Treasurer 4. "Plastic Man" .. Blind mouse wearing convicl shirt at soccer games. From South Jersey where the marshes grow Often visited at the Man
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