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HOWAHD DAVEY DEFFINBAUCH Baltimore, Maryland Psychology Transier SIt/den!. "Dave". "I'm going on <1 diet tomorrow!" M uscle man who lifts weights.. Ambitious wrestler who spent a few months on crutches . Can really hit those typewriter keys. A perfection- ist in everything he docs Has groat plans for a rose garden ... "Promises, promises, promises" . The gears will have to adjust to a co-pilot at the controls. STANLEY EDWIN DENN IS Salisbury, Maryland History - Education PiAlp/wAlpllll; F.TA 3, 4. "Ollio". . "Den-Den" ... Would give right arm for an old cal Hules the roost at A 33 .. Hcfused to keep order in fraternity meeungs . . Originator of weird sounds .. Calls Ocean City his second home. . Would defend "Shore" with dying breath ... Old rocking chair's got him.. Has "valuable" collection of 1,000 slate pencils ... "] warned you about her, Don." 1'"IARY LOU DOHSEY Baltimore 7, Mnrylnnd Home Economics Sigma Sigma T(lI/; French Ctub 1, 2; Horne Economics Club 1, 2, 3,4 (Treasurer 2); Cheerleader 1, 2, 3, 4; S.C.A. 1; Tri-Bela 4; ALOHA 4; [unlor Follies; R.O.T.C. Sponsor 4; F.AC. 4; 1/llrtll!HlrlIl Sports 1, 3, 4. "Lu'". "Lu-ball" . "Screwte Louie" . Golf-widow . Bachelor nll the \\'
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