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VIOLET ELLA FONNEB Washington, O. C. English - Education Phi Alph(l. Mu; Intramural Sporls 1, 2; GOLD Buc 1, 2, 3; S.C.A. 1,2; F.T.A. 3, 4; 11.111iol" Follies. "Vi" ... Found either in the Education department or asleep . Says what she thinks .. "I don't drink or smoke" ... Extensive reader ... Advocates New York vacations .. . Fell asleep in j~Op~fo~.ay's Journey Into Night" Has inside information on CLAHENCE LOUIS FOSSETT, JR Baltimore, Maryland Economics Alpha GallJlIla Tall; [I.A.C. 2; French Club 1, 2 (Treasure·/" 2); COLD Buc 2,3; ALOHA 4 (Business MalJager); [unior Follies. Foss. A study in unanimated genius and "martyr" complexes ..: . Famous for serious fraternity comments ... "How's it. going g,:ng?" . Enjoyed searchlight demonstration at A.P. Hill .. Llke~ to play with screen door springs in Blanche Ward Lobby . Has enjoyed colorful Econ career. MARY LOU FOWLEH Owings, Maryland Music - Education ii~ll? Sigma Tall; Orchestra. 1, 4; French Crill) 1, 2; Glee Club "~'. 3,4; Wesfeljal1eues 3 4· SlIndol) Sc1lOol CllDil" 3; F.T.A. 3, 4; ,,1.lnIO,~ Follies; College Plaue;'s 3. i\~tou. . "I swap" .. Good will ambassador from Southern ! urylund ... Made a dress in an evening.. Levine Hall, second lome. : . Blue Devil fan ... The okelele kid with the Calypso beat .. Thinks it's a treat to beat your feet on the Ocean City sand. 33
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