Page 38 - YB1958a
P. 38
GEOHGE BROOKS EULER Narberth, Pennsylvania Political Science Deua Pi Alpha; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain 4); Footbal/. 2,3; [uviicr FoUies; lll/,mlllural Sports 2, 3, 4. "Iron Jaw" Had autographed car .. Always in company ?f red head named Sue ... Lived in a roomful of Bachelors H,15 been known to place in M-D mat tourney.. Military men:l~e. at Sll! " .. Spends evt;.nings, either liftinl? ,~veightsor V1Slt1l1g a sick fnend with Fudge Who s henpecked!' ALLEN ~VIACDONOUGH FELLOWS Merchantville, New Jersey Biology Alpha GamllUl Tal/.; [unlet Follies. ELIZABETH CAHOLYN FLOHR Catonsville, Maryland Home Economics Sigma Sigma Tau. Wesle!}ollel'les 1 c 3 4 (Treasurer 2, Vice President 4); F.T.'A..'3, 4 (Treasure;' 4\ 'H~me Economics 1,.2~ }o~lfe~ecretar!J 2, Vice PresideIl14); lllimllwral Sports 1, 2; JII1110 1 'Bette" ''FloO~ board" No, but-only ,. Part interes~ ~: Maryland Inn for the past four summers .... Medicine c~b1D tuiJ of Beauty Counselor products.. Home Ec. perfectionIst .. "Bet you can'.t guess how many blouses I have" .' Known to frequent the hbrary. 32
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