Page 33 - YB1958a
P. 33
LOUISE CLARK Poolesville, Marylnncl Home Economics - Education Phi Alpha "MII; French Club 1, 2; F.T.A. 3, 4· Trt-Beta 1 c 3 4 Home Economics Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Presiden/ 4); JUllior' F~lIies: Pom Porn Team 2, 3, 4. "Lou" .. "Sleeze'". . Known to sleep through thunderstorms, fire-crackers, and alarms ... Loves-men, money and Herefords "Little Louie" from Poolesville, USA. Mother confessor .. 'You ali". . Is known fer high necklines ... Possessor of extensive menagerte . . One of Blanche Ward's barbers Little gal with a big heart. CHAHLES ;VIONHOE COCK \Vestminster, 1vlaryland English - Education Delia Pi Alplia; Wreslling 1, 3, 4; F.T.A. 3, 4. Day hop from "Westminster .. Drives a black Buick" Good wrestler ... Ticket chairman for Preacher dances Con wield a mean paddle ... Fond lover of education ... Known to complain of summer camp .. Famous for grandstand hot dog sales. MARGAHET JAYNE CONOVEH Absecon, New Jersey Biology Sigma Sigma Tau (Sene/.ory 4); Tri.-Be/a 2, 3, 4; FAC. 2, 4; ALOHA 4; Argonauts 3, 4; [unior Follies; Grchcstra 1, S.C.A. L lleggy . One 01 those lab a-day gals Not so vel y-typrcal P K .. Oh! those big brown eyes Packages, pnckages, and i\IOHE packages "Hail" ... Motels in the summer.. Believes in the four-year roommate plan .. The saint of the "Big 13" Owner of a «40" Chevy-and it runs!
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