Page 32 - YB1958a
P. 32
ALEATHA AHBAUGH CAHLSON westminster, Maryland English F.T.A.3,4. Aleatha. . Mid-semester graduate Soon to be teaching at North Carroll High ... Mother of three chtldren . . Always in a hun-y-r'Hurry upl!" Organist and active member of the First Church of Cod .. Has photography as a hobby, especially beau- tiful scenery "How's things going" . Life-long resident of 'vVestminster. MAny BAH13AHA CHAVi\'!AN Baltimore, Maryland Mathematics l f,ei ((~~~~J~)r~~?:fe~~t(i,ic;r%r:~~~':ยท~~'K)~'J~:~~~i,~f~~lIiJ;;I~;;il~;l~;r;l Sports 1. "NtH} Barb" . "Scar" .. "Mother Chapman'". . Escaped f~'om the library to work in the dining hall-been spilling food ever since . "Is there room for no. 18 in the left drawer?" ... Four-year roommate plan. . Took chemistry as an elective-and pills for her head ... "There's so much privacy on this campus!" HOBERT STONE CHHISTIAN Crosswicks, New Jersey English Couuno BeW, Chi; S.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4 (Vice President 3); WesleY(IIlS 1,2; Argol1(lIIts 3, 4; College Players 2, 3, 4; [unior Follies; M.S.iH. 1,2,3,4. Bob Sleeps better 1ll class than III bed From grandpa to lover 111 two successive Thanksgiving plays .' Hey, Christian! A favorite with the "girls' over 50 .. Has been seen hanging from thud RoO! window by finger-ups Raised ducks in !'vlacLea.
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