Page 166 - YB1958a
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the wesleyanettes Wesleyenertes is an organization open to all college women. It is a group interested in ex- pressing Christian ideals by helping others and by sharing experiences and beliefs. Since its founding in 1943 the vVesleyanettes has ex- pressed its aims and ideals in work, worship, service and fellowship, This year the group has been under the capable sponsorship of Mrs. Charles Crain at whose home the meetings were held on Friday evenings. Activities began with the traditional candle, light service in McDaniel Lounge, and shortly after this the girls were under way with their major project of making stuffed animals for children's homes and hospitals. Other activi- ties carried on were aid to needy families at Thanksgiving, learning to make attractive Christmas decorations, caroling to shut-ins, a Christmas banquet with the Wesleyans, spon- sorship of an integrated Brownie troop, discus- sions of current problems and climaxing the SOCi,11events, a spring picnic. The year's officers were: iVLlrge Hull, presi- dent; Bette Flohr, vice-president; Helen Hult- burg, secretary; Phyllis Blaine, treasurer. lutheran student association .Worship, study, and fellowsl~~p.aJ~e ~17r~1~11~1~ of the Lutheran Student ASSOC1.1ikO\~stcin and the efforts of Dr. Elwood S. ~.a. e of Grace Hod Gatzke, the student ass1sta.nt lope~l. d ~utheran Churcl.l, these. aims wr e 'cl~~~anshlP 1 he LSA participated U1 the ~ lUI Program in its bi-monthly 1l1cetu~g~. .mel of The projects were of great v,Hlctr. b went interest to all. Early in the year .the.~ 1~:1dhike to Cunninghalll Falls where a plClll] f n No- were combined with fellowship Hl~( LUtl~eran vernber brought a tour of CettysbuIg t rs 'It- Seminary and College. Several !l1: Ill )e 'bL:rg tended an are,! LSA meeting at ~h~IW~lanti<.: Stat~ Teachers College and the ~Ol~t U· Regional Conference at Buck Hnl Fn s', nnuaJ Plans for. the spring il_1cluded tb~r '~f the spaghetti dmner and a hike and tor Gettysburg Battlefield. k b'lL1g h , This year's officers were: JC
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