Page 60 - YB1957a
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LORENA LEE TUACE E;\IILY PEABO[lY TUEVI,:rJ' BHANTLE\' PAUL VITEK \Vaynesboro, Pennsylvania Atlanta, Georgia Baltimore, Maryland Ilistory; Education Psychology; Sociology Pre-Med Pili Alpha Mil 3, 4; F.T.A. 3, 4; S.C.A. I, 2, 3, 4; Wesleyollettes Delta Pi Alpha 2, 3, 4 (Correspond- Basketball 2, 4; Softblill 2, 3, 4; I, 2, 3, 4; Choir 4; Westmillster ing Secretw'Y 3, Seaettl/'y 4); Soc- Jr. Follies. Fellolcship 3, 4; SlUllI(lY School 1, cer 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2; \Vrestling 2,3,4. 1, 2, 3, 4; College Plmjers 3, 4; "Will you do this then?" The F.A.C. 2, 3, 4; Choir 2, 3; Jr. Fol- only practice teucher who wears Em Hi! The middle-East- lies; wtio:« \Vho. ~~~~:~e:ll d.a~ Lo~e~lI;~~:~rt;e~;,:: ~~I~e~n~)\\~:~~~,~1:r~~;~·ili~~~~~~Ys. "Bip" . Delta Pi Alpha's little (Iuets I-I.J.C:~ addition to Fascinated by showers . Gung- ball of talent. "Wnke me up for W,~I.c. . Neat girls answer to ho psy?ho (major, that isl} breakfast" . Coach Urich's utility ,1 neat guy Or. Follies, no less) Loves lraternity Hell Week. . Ah lineman Third placer in the '56 . Light and Blight time you theah? One of the few Mason-Dixon \Vrestling Tourna- ~I'ljored in General Science for two who managed to finish a double ment. 'Boy, will [ be glad when . . Very subtle brand of major. A real Georgia peach! Neary graduates" ... Likes to gu humor. \Vas most surprised at south for the winter.. Put Amy liking practice le,lching. through the steps in tile Jr. Follies . .. Dick's Milford Mill track snu . Still h,lS Slimmer Camp and Mcd school to look "forward" (A.P. Hi1!) 100. 56
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