Page 55 - YB1957a
P. 55
l\IAHl_11I.' B,"':£11 Hos!::11 HOlH:nT FnAII.'CtS SA:\"DOSKY I\I!CHAEL A;>"THONY S.-\\'AIIESE New Windsor, Maryland Sykesville, Mnrvland Baltimore, Murvlund Art Math Math; Physical Edt/calion Fvcucls Glul) 2, 3. Gamma Belli cu 2, 3, 4; r.v. Has- Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; intrcuuurul kelhal/ 2; Soccer 3; tntra-Fraterntnj Sports I, 2, 3, 4; Class President I; Day-hops from Wakefield Valley Sports 1, 2, 3, 4. Delta Pi Alpha 2, 3, 4 (Treasurer BOlla-fide critic at nrt exhibits 3); F.T.A. 4; Football Team Bevels in arlistry . Grille Bob. "Snndv" Better known ager 3; F.A.C. 2; Jr. follies. Mml- major, coffee hound and Bivium [an 'IS "buckets" ... ·Usually found in bed Frequently used smile .. Just .. The mean OIl Spicer's curve . "l\lickev Mouse" Showed ask him nbout Trinidad and he'll Thought A.P. Hill was a country coaching ability in prodUCing a tell you. clnb . . Loves dining hall spaghetti winning season for St. John's High and certain Bnlttmore nurses School Much energy. . '\\11- Goal keeper Pol tender for tual toleration with punchy AI for Gamma Beta Chi. "Ocr me up four ~'ears. . Loves Dr. Spicer's for breakfast!" Ex-day hop from curve vtean man with a Sykesville Once seen "high" on Preacher paddle . Special fond- tile Hill Member of "Carden" ness for feeding squtrrels . . "If. club. I\lan of few words(?). Bever's lead-off man for four venrs Civilian club man this summer Unconscious of time since ~Iickev Mouse watch failed when he was twelve.
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