Page 63 - YB1957a
P. 63
B,\I\tI.-\tIA ELLEN" ZEI'P Hagerstown, Maryland Ellglish; Education Pili Alpha Mil 1, 3, 4; Trt-Beta 2, 3, 4; Callter/wry CII/I) 1,1,3,4 (Vice-Pres. 3); Classics GIIII) 1, 2, 3, 4 (Sec'y- Trees. 1, 3; Pres. 4); F.T.A. 3, 4; Frellch C/u/) I, 2 (Pres. 2); Argo- 1I(IIIIs 3, 4; Jr. Follies Barb. Frequently seen in Educa- tion department and waist deep in visual aids . Originalitv plus Mnkoskv protegee Adkin's fan Seen talking or sleeping Mude medical history Fresh ye;lr . Bane of the Ministers' \Vives Association "M:nge, I'm so upset." PARTIALLY CAMERA SHY JACK FOSTEJ1 HOFF JOSEPII TIIO.'>{AS RENALDI Westminster, ,\lary1and Littlestown, Pennsylvania Physics History Jack . Decided thilt there really isn't .my place like Gamma Beta Ghi 2, 3, 4. home Finds Dr. Summers' courses mueh to his liking. . An ex navy man who would like to sail Joe ... Left W."I.e. for two years in the service ... into industry Never seen in class during hunting Whitfield fan but seen in the phys. ed. department .. Coached the J.V. football team to fame ... Day hop ... One of the quieter members of Gamma Beta Chi. TOTALLY CAMERA SHY DAVID LEE BAILEY EDMUNO THEOOOll.E KLENSKE, JI1. HERBERT SELL Penns Grove, New Jersey Kensington, Connecticut Littlestown, Mnrylnnd Ellglish History Pub/ie School Music Pi Alpll(l AI,)/l1I 2, 3, 4; GOLl) Bee Alpha Comma T(JI12, 3, 4 (Tau4); Pi Alph(J Alpha 3, 4; T.T.A. 3, 4. (Sporls Edilor 2); S.C.A. (Viee- Golf I, 2, 3, 4 (Captaill 4); Band President 4); \Vresllillg 2, 3; III/ra- 1,2,3; F.A.C. -I; Intramural 8as- Herb. . Jazz virtuoso on the key IIII/ral Soflball 1, 3, -I; IlIlralllllral ketl)aIl2. board .. Takes daily flying trip BasketiJall 2, 3, 4; inlmmllf(ll Foot- from Littlestown to W.~l.e.. . 1)(111 2, 3, 4; Jr. Follies. Ted ... Plays a "real mean" trum- Loved Education classes. pet (nsk "'A" section MeClea bovs ) "Beetle Butlov" .. Loves sp:lgllf'tti, Once shunked 3 shots Ollt of Penns Grove, and the suck. bounds on the ninth hole ... Sat. night polka progmrn from Buffalo. 59
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