Page 62 - YB1957a
P. 62
1\IAHG.-\..HET EVELYN \VIlOln-ON THOMAS \VOLF DONALD HlCHAfH) Z ..\UClIE Hagerstown, Maryland Baltimore, Maryland Dalton, Massachusetts Pre-Medical English Englislt; Languages Iota Gamma Clti 3, 4 (Chaplain Transier stsulent. Pi Alpha Alpha 3, 4 (Secretary 4); 4); Tri-Betn 3, 4; Cor.c Buc 3, 4; Tom .. An ex .. Toured cuotr 3; French Club 4; tsurasuural Choir 3, 4; Girls' Glee Club 4; the Far East in the "professional" S/Jurts 3, 4 ALOHA 4; ArgolWuts 3, 4; Wes- service-playing football . Only "Zauch" Ex-paratrooper with Ieqanettes 3, 4. Methodist trained bartender on a lot to jump at in Vetvtlle . Peggy. . i\[cDnniel Hall's assist- campus. . Sets Plymouth on auto- Would be a Dean's lister if we had ant warden . Definite musical matic pilot every dey between Bal- one ... Only time ever seen with- Hair ... Coal to be young mother's timore and westminster. out his smudgepot is during Black best friend as an M.D. . Advo- and White intrnmurnls where he cate of Westminster Seminary was one of the big mainstays. Brains and talent result in Dean's An adroit piagimist when it comes List and Campus Citizen circle to truusttton to Deutsche Lieder .. Always echoing "Cot to go study," Graduation may break up tile "Say, Buddie" ... Keeper of the "Gold Dust" twins ... "1 don't keys and late leaves. know-he looks like a hood to mel"
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