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~f,l.IIIAi'" TIIEIIES,I. SCHEDEIl JOliN BENSON Scorr, JII. R1CI1,\tlD MELVIN SHENTON Baltimore, ~l;lryb1ld Chevy Chase, Maryland Bnltirnore, Mnryl.rnd Biology English Economics Sigma Sigma Tau 2, 3, 4 [Sunshine Delta Pi Alpha 2, 3, 4 (Vice-Presi- Band I, 2; Bcpnet Stlldent Union Messenger 3, A/umni See'y 3, See'y dent 3, 4); In/ralllufIll Football 2, 1, 2, 3, 4; Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Pi Alpllll 4); F.A.C. 4 (Co-chairman); Tri- 3,4; Intramural Softball 3, 4; w-es- Alpho 3, 4; Alpha Kappa Alphf! 3, Beta 2, 3, 4 (Vice-Pres. 4); ALOHA fling 2; Dorm Cot/neil; Inter-Em- 4. 4 (Associate Editor 4); French tenlity COIIIlCil3,4. Club 1,2; Choir 4 (Gctette 3, 4); Dick. "Frank Sinatra" of W.M.C. Trumpeter, Who's Who. "Scotty" Amtoable Racon- A Dr. Price majO! Two teur Short and getting fattel vices-smoking and a certain ex- "Shed" . Victorious campaign Laundry hoy. The on ly per- Sigtll'l, an organist in Baltimore ... from the chicken to the ring son on campus who gets up at 8:15 Sometimes known as the comeback Supports the shumpoo industry .. for an 8:00 class ·'1 nearly kid . Oversleeps this be- Onlv walking, talking alarm clock flipped, flopped and flied" cause hIS ulann clock is Balti- in captivity ... Hates cats, loves Former pre-flight who recanted more, she can't call him the guinea pigs, tolerates bacteria . Owns a five cylinder Ford ... Still phone) Has a hard time study- "Coin' to see m' friend H.P." relies 011 Navy lingo. Porcelain ing ccon. while listening to his pre· Only Biology major to give an pony reader. Cemeting inter- flight roomies at Creek. Would organ recital Jack of all trades, national relations with Greece be the "Muscle Mnu?" of the Black master of one. Booms with Big and Little. and \Vhite football tenm , except he has to stand twice to make a shadow. 52
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