Page 154 - YB1957a
P. 154
CO"'!I'ANY C had four weeks of training at Fort Meade, team and the RO.T.C. Baud. Both Band and Maryland, and two weeks at A. 1). Hill in Drill Team took part in numerous other Virginia. functions. There have been numerous extra-curricular The value of the Reserve Officers Training activities in which the Cadet Corps have par- Corps to the individual student, to his college ticipated this year. At the Homecoming cele- and to his country cannot be underestimated. bration, the Homecoming Queen and her court In the past, Western Maryland has provided were escorted by the battalion staff and com- the Army with fine officers and hopes to main- pany commanders of the Cadet Corps. Also tain that record in the future. participating in the celebration were the drill THE R.O.T.C. llANO
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