Page 132 - YB1957a
P. 132
GAMMA BETA CHI When the happy hoards of students returned and trying to force the usually popular ice-cold to campus this year, their number was satu- coke on shivering patrons when the mercury rated with the members of Gamma Beta Chi took its deepest dips. In October we welcomed who were anxious to barricade themselves in twenty-one pledges into our midst and set the clubroom where they could try to forget them to the task of vending our wares on tho visions of sleepless nights ahead. In the Saturdays and bearing with us on Tuesdays. confines of the pine-paneled paradise we call In the fixed asset department we added a new home there was talk of un enlightening six three-speed record player which enabled Elvis weeks at Meade, sordid tales of life at the Presley and Beethoven to eeho their respective beach, and occasionally we found a brother talents back to back who had actually spent the summer working. With the able assistance of the Phi Alphs we After the excitement of our return to campus presented our Sweetheart Ball and hoped that had died down and the last freshman girl had those in attendance enjoyed "Stairway to the been caught, cuddled and catalogued, we set- Stars." tled down to the business ahead. This year During the year we had our annual Christ- we sold programs and refreshments at the mas party with the Phi Alpbs and as usual we football games and had the dubious distinction had a great time. Although not enjoying a of selling hot chocolate on the warmer days great measure of success victory-wise in the 128
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