Page 131 - YB1957a
P. 131
Located ill their pine-paneled clubroom in As usual, the Preachers had a large repre- Daniel Mcf.Ien Hall, the "Purple and Gold" sentation on the varsity football, basketball, have made 1956-1957 .1 memorable year. Con- wrestling, and soccer teams and held their own tinuing under the guidance of Professor Robert in the intramural league. A noteworthy ac- Adkins, and the elected officers, the fraternity complishment of the fraternity was the pres- remained "High on the Hill." The membership entation of the Pep Hally before the Western was increased to fifty as seven new members Maryland game with their big rival, Hopkins. were initiated in the fall bidding. Trying to complete the decorations of the The highlight of the fraternity yenr was thc new clubroom, the fraternity purchased flew presentation of "Homecoming 1956," the curtains and filled up the hole in the wall with Homecoming Dance. Through great coopera- a trophy case. Abo for the convenience of the tion of club members and feminine alllliates, members, a 21 inch Victor television set has the mystic Hallowe'en theme was a success been acquired. socially, as well as financially. Delta Pi Alpha would like to congratulate The fraternity carried on its traditional nom- the senior members upon their gracluutton and ination of a Sweetheart by serenading Miss wish them the best of luck in all their Dorothy Snider witb an appropriate program denvors in years to come. in a very effective manner.
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