Page 54 - YB1954
P. 54
BARBARA JOAN SUMMERS 27 Buckram Road, Locust Valley, Long Island, New York Economics Sigma Sigma Tau 3, 4 (Sergeant-at-Arms 3, Vice-President 4); Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; W.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4 (Board Member 3, 4); Blanche Ward Dorm President 4; S.C.A. 4; Social Activities Com- mittee 4; Calendar Committee 4; Junior Follies; Inter-sorority Council 4; House Council 4. Bobbie ... A New Yorker with a green plymouth ... House prexy of Blanche Ward ... Uses the by-word "Zeast" because she doesn't know what it means ... Plans career in the economic world ... "Anybody want to see my pictures of Europe?" ... Perk's loyal supporter ... "Oh crumb!" ... Mother of the Freshman girls ... Chronically collecting money . . . Ask her who hung the hammer out the window. ALFRED LAURENCE TAYLOR c/o American Consulate General, Yokohama, Japan Biology; Pre-Med, Delta Pi Alpha (Corresponding Secretary 3, Treasurer 4); French Club 1, 2, 3; Junior Follies; Choir 3; Beta Beta Beta 2, 3, 4 (Presi- dent 4); Camera Club 4. "Larry" ... Chronic party boy ... One-time forest ranger ... W.M.C.'s world traveller and guitar. playing troubadour ... Oily. haired Romeo of numerous French Club productions ... Aspires to be The Man in the White Suit. CHARLES STAFFORD TAYLOR, JR. Seminary Avenue, Lutherville, Maryland English J. V. Football 1; College Choir; GOLD BUG 3; ALOHA 3, 4. "Chuck", alias "Chuckles" ... Draws cartoons during chapel Thinks that there must be more to college than classes or grades ... Plays golf and ping-pong ... The grand old man of English JourĀ· nalism and the dragon of Dragon Habits ... Transfer from U. of Virginia ... Excellent tournament bridge player . . . Future in advertising. 52
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