Page 52 - YB1954
P. 52
WILLIAM J. SCHNEIDER, JR. 3901 Yolando Road, Baltimore, Maryland History I.R.C. 1,2,3,4; College Choir 1,2,3, 4; Men's Glee Club 2, 3, 4; French Club 1, 2, 3; Junior Follies. Bill ... The big wheel of the Junior follies-"there's nothing he can't do" ... His vocal talents won him a car ... Took European tour with the U.S.O .... Spends his weekends in Hagerstown ... Plans to go to law school after graduation, assuming the co-opera- tion of the Army. CHARLES ELIOT SILBERSTEIN 3502 Denison Road, Baltimore 15, Maryland Pre-Med. Pi Alpha Alpha (Vice-President 4, President 4); ALOHA 4 (Adver- tising Manager 4); Interfraternity Council 4 (President 4); Lacrosse 1; Tennis 2, 3; Basketball 1; Intra-mural Basketball 2, 3. Chick ... Chronic weekender at home ... Irregular grille fan and bridge player ... Chairman of the only dance he ever attended ... Top intra-mural athlete for Pi Alpha Alpha ... Had the only room- mates on campus who were a good influence . . . Will practice medicine in his old age. AVA -ANN SPEARS 5708 Key Avenue, Baltimore 15, Maryland English; Education Phi Alpha Mu (Chaplain 4); College Players 2, 3,4; Junior Follies; F.T.A. 3, 4. One of those English-Education majors ... McDaniel's beautician .. _Week-ends off-campus Can dramatize anything Particu- larly noted for portrayal as Nurse Bedpan "Where have we got to?" Such a big voice from such a little girl Lover of the finer things Has an avid interest in the Marine Corps __ . "Has anyone seen Mim?" 50
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