Page 30 - YB1954
P. 30
IRVING COHEN 5709 Rubin Avenue, Baltimore 15, Maryland Economics College Players 4. Big Irv ... Rotund and not very rapid ... He's what made Horo- witz horrible ... Street angel and house devil ... Known for his noisy disposition When he entertains his roommates the whole building shakes Plans to teach history. JANE ANNE COLLINS 3814 Ednor Road, Baltimore 18, Maryland English; Education Sigma Sigma Tau (Treasurer 4); French Club 1, 2; Women's Glee Club 3; F.T.A. 3, 4; College Players 3, 4; GOLD BUG 1. Janie ... Ardent exponent of Virginia Beach, George Bernard Shaw, and Seventh Graders ... Hates loud clanging noises especially in the middle of phone calls ... Renowned as the author of an ode, or was it a sonnet ... Frequent inhabitant of Ford's second balcony . . . "Papa, buy the brute for me!" . . . Has grim intentions of renovating the Virginia school system. VIRGINIA FAYE CORKRAN 1630 Elm Street, Lebanon, Pennsylvania Home Economics; Education Phi Alpha Mu; W.A.A. 1; Home Economics' Club 1, 2, 4. "Dink" ... Home Ec. major who likes it ... Miss Domesticity of the Class of '54 ... Returned to the fold after a year at Temple ... Snowy weather bothered her during senior year ... Prize possession -her sewing machine ... Owns more winter coats than any other man, woman or child in the U.S.A .... "That's scroungy". 28
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