Page 29 - YB1954
P. 29
LOIS ANN CERMAK 7200-7th Street, N.W., Washington 12, D.C. English Phi Alpha Mu (President 4); Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Octette 1, 2, 3, 4; Women's Glee Club 1, 2, 3; Junior Follies; French Club 1, 2; S.G.A.4. "Lo Cer" ... "Is there any more coffee?" ... Wields a wicked gavel . . . Loves classical music and tall sophisticated men . . . Choruses from the Messiah echo from the shower ... An English major-refugee from the music department ... Has a yen for spa- ghetti and pizza ... Head poet in Blanche Ward's garret. DONALD CAMPBELL CHAMBERS Seaview Avenue, East Norwalk, Connecticut Economics Gamma Beta Chi (Secretary 4) ; Football 1. "Rivers" ... Writes hilarious minutes for Gamma Beta Chi . Drives a chartreuse convertible with a Connecticut license plate . Easy going ... Consistent inhabitant of Old Ward ... Won acclaim for literary and athletic efforts in his freshman year . . . Plans to lead the army life after graduation. MARJORIE JANE CHERRY 53 Elizabeth Street, Keyport, New Jersey Economics Phi Alpha Mu (Vice-President 4, Intersorority Representative 3); Women's Glee Club 1; French Club 1; F.T.A. 4; Junior Follies. Marge ... Western Maryland's foremost procrastinator ... Changes majors four times per semester, on an average ... Ukelele virtuoso ... Mr. Bailer's interior decorator and Girl Friday ... Plays at golf .... Never on hand to receive the weekly phone call from home ... Career as a bareback rider came to a swift and inglorious con- clusion ... Famous last words: "Wake me up for breakfast".
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