Page 27 - YB1954
P. 27
ELIZABETH ANN BROWN 1901 Plymouth Street, N.W., Washington 12, D. C. Economics Iota Gamma Chi. Betty ... transfer from Marion Junior College, Virginia ... Minors in sleeping and eating ... One of the February grads ... Studies 'til the wee hours of the morning ... Weekends off campus a must ... Prefers summer school with its informality and parties ... Talented on the piano and the organ grinder ... Latest hairdo is a crew-cut, JOAN MARLENE BURRIER 3015 Chestnut Avenue, Baltimore 11, Maryland History; Biology Phi Alpha Mu (Alumni Secretary 4); I.R.C. 4; GOLDBUG 1, 2, 4; F.T.A. 4; Hockey 1, 2, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 4; Volleyball 1, 2, 4. "Burr" ... Mad waitress Most prized possession-a monkey's paw for moth prevention Western Maryland's answer to Baron Munchausen ... Supports the National Biscuit Company ... "What am I going to do with my hair?" ... "Anyone for knuckle drill?" ... "Now at Hopkins" ... Has a mania for throwing things. CHARLES WILLIAM CALARY 3111 Belair Road, Baltimore 13, Maryland History I.R.C. 3, 4 (President 3); Pi Alpha Alpha. Transfer from Towson ... Courageous survivor of Whitfield courses ... Best "keeper of the corner" the Black and Whites ever had ... Meticulous-likes everything in its place ... Ask him about a mid- night ride on the train ... Married Janet Christmas Eve ... "Well, I'll go to h-l" ... Handy man for the local florist.
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