Page 25 - YB1954
P. 25
i --_I 4 JOAN ELIZABETH BARKELEW Laurel Lane, Brielle, New Jersey History; Education Majorette 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain 3, 4); French Club 1; I.R.C. 3, 4; Phi Alpha Mu (Social Chairman 3, President 4). The country's leading authority on Tom Trott and His Friends ... Seventh graders dubbed her "Mrs. Barthalow" ... Indoor baton twirling is pretty hard on the plaster ... Incurable golf enthusiast and player of the ponies ... Makes a mean tuna fish sandwich ... Keeps constant vigil in the post office ... "Guess I'll warsh my hair tonight." CAROL GAY BAUER 225 Dale Drive, Silver Spring, Maryland Music Sigma Sigma Tau; Orchestra 2,3,4; Octette 1, 2, 3; Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior Follies; Women's Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 1,2,4; F.T.A. 4; College Players 3, 4. Crazy about music, dramatic art, and art in that order ... Absent. minded enough to make a good teacher ... "I'm just not tuned in" ... DeLong's problem child and Miss Esther Smith's protege ... Inmate of the music hall . . . Went from pony tail to poodle cut senior year . . . Composer of the Good Hope College Alma Mater for Goodbye, My Fancy. NANCY-ANN PORTER BAYLISS 103 West Way, Mount Kisco, New York Art Delta Sigma Kappa (President 4, Vice-President 3); Intersororioy (Secretary 3); College Players 2, 3, 4; WOTnen's Glee Club 2, 3; French Club 1, 2; ALOHA (A rt Editor). Nan ... "Brightie" ... Modern art, classical music and German Shepherds are her passions ... Presides at Delt meetings ... Only waitress who always drops something ... New York's representative on W.M.C.'s May Courts Off to Europe next summer as a hostler, then art school in N.Y.C "Too bad-86 on Lou". 23
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