Page 22 - YB1954
P. 22
IN RETROSPECT . . . Sure has been a long, hard four years. in the windows and saying we were going to 1950-51 ... Ike was just another college presi- transfer. dent. The nation raised its collective eyebrow 1953-54 ... Truce in Korea. Eugene O'Neill over the Ingrid Bergman Caper.. Mr. Roberts dead. McCarthy still making an ass of himself. was on Broadway. And the Class of '54 was the We were Seniors and we weren't taking anything Freshman Class. Those were the Good Old Days, that met on Saturday and we changed our ma- when our towels were new and our hopes were jors and played another hand of pinochle and high and we still got letters from home. griped about the food and the cockroaches and the missing panes in the windows and the Ad- 1951-52 ... Ridgeway was in Korea. The ministration and the Graduate Record "Exams guy across the hall got his draft notice. Every- and the snow and the nasal jelly and raising the body was talking about the Rosenbergs. Who're flag every morning and said why didn't we trans- the Rosenbergs ? We were sophomores and we fer when we had the chance and how many knew that you don't have to go to assemblies. more days is it till graduation. So we didn't. We ioined fraternities and sorori- And then suddenly it was our last spring on ties and we heckled the Freshmen and griped the Hill and iced tea reappeared on the menu about the food and changed our majors and said we were going to transfer. and Dean Howery was speaking in McDaniel Lounge on the Art of Public Courtship. We took 1952-53 ... MacArthur had just waded ashore sun baths and played golf and started humming at Chicago. Pogo Possum was running for Presi- A Mighty Fortress. And then we realized that dent. King George VI died. We were Juniors we had just had the Time of Our Lives and that and coffee was up to ten cents in the Grille and it was going to be pretty dull just standing we were changing our majors again and sweating around the water cooler nostalgically swapping over the Junior Follies and griping about the yarns for the next forty years. . . . Say, when food and the cockroaches and the missing panes is Homecoming, anyway? 20
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