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COLLEGE PLAYERS The College Players is comprised largely of groups. But most borrowed of all is Miss Smith Junior and Senior dramatic art students, work- herself. Her extra-curricular activities include ing under the direction of Miss Esther Smith. stage direction for productions given in con- The group presents three major productions a junction with the music department, putting the year-two three-act plays and a series of three final polish on the Junior Follies, and teaching one-act plays. Stage settings are designed by the education students how to be heard above Donald Bailey and constructed under his super- the dull roar of the average classroom. vision by the Juniors, "College Players" is an old Latin term connot- The work of the College Players, however, ex- ing endless hours of rehearsal, sleepless nights tends far beyond the few hours spent in front and dog-tired mornings, cold water to wash in of the footlights. People come to the College when you get back to the dorm, greasepaint on Players to borrow everything from a Baby Herc your ~hirt collar, powder in your hair, the smell spotlight for use at a dance to ersatz grass for a of new canvas and horse-foot glue eternally in Homecoming float, Even the Players are lent on your nostrils, and a genuine love of the theater occasion-as make-up artists and drama critics in your heart. for the theatrical productions of other campus 1st row: I. Cohen, 1. Hutchison, C. Wheatley, A. Spears, W. Harvey, 1. Collins, D. Horowitz, C. Bauer, K. Ruehl. 2nd row: M. Justice, S. Myers, N. Bayliss, E. Parsons. 3rd row: S. Dorsey, P. Hammersly, G. Bunting, E. Norwood. 4th row: C. Coleman, C. Stockard, D. McNeil, H. Posey, B. Goeb, Miss Smith. 105
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