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Freshman Class In September, as non-oriented, hesitant fresh- serenades in the showers, wlliting for the bel! Iu THen the word "Hill" suggested to us a mass of ring for a meal and loath to hear its chime at brick buildings and spreading trees in a college 6:4S a.m. hulletiu; a collection of local slang; entrance re- \Ve'vc boosted athletic events both as part!ci- quirements. lind 11 challenging message from the peters and onlookers, entered college organi7.i\ยท college president in the handbook ; an assuring tions; worn beanies, name tags, and weathered letter from our big brothers or sisters; and an other such requirements; and won a dusty but aggregate of new faces and uncertain beginnings decisive "lug of war". QUI' beauties have graced nnd futures. Homecoming and May Courts; and some of us Now, this first year is rupidly waning. In the have even distinguished ourselves in the various light of its passing, it seems not at all assuming academic departments. \Ve've even furthered the to state 'hut this has been the most demanding fine art of "apple polishing". and, consequently, the most beneficial year of our \\That's it like to be a freshman; Even to LIS. lives. We have developed a greater amount of the answer to this question is already becoming patience and respect for that "other fellow"; and dimmed by current and promising events. Never- have found that college life evolves through indio theless, through all these activities and thoughts, vidual contributions of talent, time, and interest. one unavoidable tenet remains: We are here for Lectures, labs, themes, and collateral reading a purpose-each one of us pursuing a plan or have become "old Iriends", as have those indis- dream according to his own interest and ability. pensable bull sessions, midnight snacks, "dorm" \llith this in mind, let us proceed, Class of '56.
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