Page 68 - YB1953
P. 68
JACK EDWARD urUON Alph.a Gamma Tall, 2, 3, 4; Bnseball 2,3,4; Inlerlrale,.. lIi/,y Basketball. alld Foo/,ball; Club; Club; R.D.T.C. Officers' Clnb. "Pee" .. Twinkle-toed varsity outfielder. Reliable Bachelor party boy and intramural performer . Black Pontiac with accommoda- tions for upwards of twenty Likes girls on campus but makes frequent trips to home Big Swede [rom way down South ill the Garden state ... Occupies n permanent seat in Mademoiselle Snader's GEOHG£ CUTLEB VAN NOSTBAND Gamma Bela Chi (Vice.Pre.lidellt4); Ill/erlml.eruity Coul/cil 3; Box- illg 2; tv Foo/,vol/ 2; [un ior Follies. "Van Nose" . Alias Sam Spade with his twenty standard jokes Once seen smiling. . Life and spirit of the Gamma Bets. Hollywood's "Crying for him" .. Physics major and a future shoe salesman . Ex-Coast Guardsman Boxing enthusiast with two knock-outs on record-his own .. "Good old Army!" . One of the big three V-A-S "Good luck, Daddv-O!' JAMES MAHTlN NUTTLE VOSS Pi Alpha. Alpha {Treasurer 4); IlIterlra/erllity Bela Beta Bela 3, 4 {President. 4); F.T.A. 3, 4; French: 1,1. Jim ... A math major but intends to return to the good earth as soon as possible Well·known for his positive approach in collect- ing the "long green" for the Sunpapcrs Thinks those who com plain about life at WMC are "dead-heads" Hegular!v seen wilh a certain Junior from Blanche Ward.
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