Page 54 - YB1953
P. 54
"Jan" a redhead who insists she doesn't have "red" hair. Has the cutest smile and a turned up nose ... "Let's rearrange the room" . A music major and future teacher. . 10 the Sigmas and the Arm)' ... Danny is the name to IWSALIE IDA OTTO S.C.A. Ctee Club 1 ; I.R.C. J, 2; WesleyaliclLes 1,2,3.4 (V ice-Prcsi Sigma. Sigma Tall: Argol/auts 3, 4; Subscription il'fallager oj ALOIiA. "Rosie" A pctile brunette from the Nation's capital Plans a trip to Europe after One of the few women Chern. majors. Has had roommates in four years. . Content with coz)' Crosley . A loyal Sigmn .. Always ready for hen sessions Frequently studies in the library-why? THOMAS ARTI-IUH PAGE Lacrosse 1,2: Wrestling 1,2; S.C.A. (Ser;relary 2, Treasurer 3); Frellch Cild) 2, J; Pershillg Rifles J, 4; Drill Rand 1, 2. Warm, pendnlting personality a phobia for percussive moods . Perennial penchant toward brunettes Practiced samba specialist Pi Alpha Alpha partisan Fervid athlete Partial to classical music and Iructured Frcnch . "I could go for another one."
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