Page 49 - YB1953
P. 49
BARBARA ANN LONG Nome Economics Clu/; 3, 4; W.A.A.;'!. 3; l(le~ley{lIIellcs 3; F.LA. "Barb" Loyal CUlllberlandile. . Likes cold weather "1 rememhar when we had len feel of suo II' and wenl to school anywny" . Proudest accomplishment 011 the Hill was passing organic chem- istry Home Ec. major One of the few Scm Ferns . Always on lime . E,·erything in its place Note sarcasm. Ii UTH ETTA LOWE Sigma Sigma Tall 2.. '5, It; Rco/Jom.ics CIII/! 2. "Huthie' A pretty brown-eyed lassie from Pa. . Dr. Town. send's prodigy ... Famous for her fashionable ... Feb. grad with the ambition of "going west" Proud being a Farmer's daughter. . Indirect winner of the John Alexander medal for 'Sl . "Geel" . Luck and hnppiucss will be sure to follow her. JANE CUH]{I~~ MtLEOD J,:!. 3, 4- (Feature Editor 2. Ma/Jagillg Editor 3, F.dilor-il/. S.G.!I .. '$ (Vicc-Presi(/eIll4); Trutuoeter 4; I)},i Alpha 11"11./; J; L.S.iI. 3, 4; Clas.)" His/orioll 3; Ilockey f.:!; Baskelball 1,2; Volleyball I. An asset to WMC. S.C.A. veep and COU) IWG editor. COlltil[ ually II'riles herself notes. Keeps (III valuable records in liltl" black hook . . Fought Spicer curve und week of educruion ... Has a fell' thousand choice words 011 pel gripes. Spends "spare" lime in gab sessions. . Future plans center around Kcith. 4R
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