Page 51 - YB1953
P. 51
CABOLYN LEE MANGELS Kept ALOHA out of red .. Helped edit the Cold Bag. iVlaintained record of going home weekend Was one of Dr. Spicer's proteges Possesses store of practical jokes Never speaks before breakfast.. Writes notes, reminder variety . Constantly knits during her "spare" time future is "Black". Charles that is. SARAH HUGHI~S j\'I;\I1ABLE S.C.A., Cfl/l/.crbl/ry Club; Della Sigma Kappa 3. Sally WMC after two years at Mary Washington. A Navy jUlliol . "Let me explain!". . Usually found on her to Annapolis. Main interests: politics, social life, and tile Psych major-that's her trouhle? . Ally place is 1",,,,,-C,I;[",o;,,_ Maryland, Europe . Main ambitions: to graduate, to marry a Naval officer. MARIAN MURRA Y IVIARTI[\I S.C.A . .I, 2, 3; I.R.C. 3, 4.; F.T.A. 4; L.S.A. 3,4; Bad,n/Il/.oll I; Glee Club /,2,3, J, 2, 3, 4; 3; Players 4; Camera Club 3, "Marian" . Peppy and gay. Always busy . Famous [or big smile and blues on the piano . Loves potatoes OUI European this past Slimmer. Remember getting lost ill Paris? . "Gee, it was wonderful!" Usually seen with that guy from the "Eastern Sho'" .. Music major and core minor Aspires to teach both.
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