Page 58 - YB1953
P. 58
E:LM1~R RICHARDS, JR. '·I~lm\)". . Veteran . hustler in the d;ning hall .. Nature loves ... Challenging dry Loyal member of Bachelors and staunch center on lhe frat football team . Hard hitting lacrosse Studious philosopher and vehement dialccticlan ... Oeca found imbibing excessively Desire: to teach History. BRUCE: iVIAIrt'IN IlUDIS1LL, JH. DdlQ I); Alplta 2, 3, 4 (Epsifoll 2, FOol.balf 1, 2, 3, 4; /1111"0 neural SO/I,baff 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 1, 3,4; French Ctvb 1, i. "Rudy" ... Sixty minute grid for three years on the Hill . "\'{There's m)' . Co-captain of the 1952 edition of the Green Terrors Creat ability and 11 lighting heart Unsung hero of the 1951 eleven .. Crossword puzzle fan Loyal lIlember of the Preachers ... Math who never lets studies get him down .. One of the original Hounds". ELLJ::N GEHTHUDE lWOOLPH L.S.A. 3,4 [Vice-President. 4): S.C.A. f. Phi Alpha Mil 2,3.4; Bug I, 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 4; Arls 1:" ALOHA 4; Poster Club 3; Argonauts 3, 4. Lover of cashmere sweaters, dachshunds, and West Point Call'l miss her afternoon nHp "1'111 tired" ... Famous lor the longest. seminar 011 record (2S0 pages! "Let's face it, EI1ClI, you can't ' type". Gregarious.. Beautiful. friendly smile. Loved selling at the Hub Constantly misplaces things. Provincial furniture and Rcnoir . Maker of inuumernble posters.
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