Page 52 - YB1953
P. 52
JAM ES BUCKSON 1\,100RE Student Cooenunent Presidesu; Gamma 8ela Chi; Club; 8as"'e/&(,/1 t, Clasii Treasurer 7, 3; F.T.A.; Who's "Buck". "Bookie" . Hot rock of the Camilla Bets' basketball team . Conscientious president of student government. . \Vorke(1 as head-waiter to make sure he was well-fed Wedding bells in July with Ann Plans to teach school to support his young'uns. ELEANon COHINNE MORRIS F.T.A. J, 4; [uuior Fotlies; !.R.C. 3, '/" "Pat" There's nothing like Kent Island or the Eastcm Shoo Loves the gang at home Transfer Irom Towson J.C. One kid who actually loved college-s-summer schoolthat is Ping. pong and the old swimming hole ure her favorite subjects Working 011 Homecoming dance-terrific Future teacher. . Homemaker at heart. t\LTHEA f'AIRBANK NIEMEVI':R toto Camilla. Chi 2, 3, 4; l1ela Bela Bela I..S.A. 4; HOllie Economics Club l, 2, 3, 4; Call/era 2,3,4 3); F.T.A. 3,4; Presiden/. Md. Nome Ee. College Clubs 4. "Billie" A bundle of CIH.'rgy . Always all the go Nevel misses breakfast Oh, those lnha . a car around campus Loyal 10 the Arm}' .. Chief writillg letters to her Private .. "You know?" Home Ee. major who plans to practice methods in high school, and eventually all Jess. 52