Page 47 - YB1953
P. 47
GENEVA MARGUERITE LAVER Phi Alpha Mit 2, 3, 4; JIIIILor Follies. "Ginny" . Math major with cHlculatilig plans . MeiodiulJs monotone . Bill-Ing and cooing in Baltimore Has no dinner ring but a genuine "meal ticket" Collects four leaf clovers Extra curricular-M.M. club. . \VelconlCs dining hall's liver and onion dinners .. Plans a Slimmer wedding Distinctive last rites to goldfish . lmmune to 011<11'111. DOBOTHY LOUISE LA WYEH /J(l5/:(;I/)aIl1,:1; ] j Lutherau Stlli/elll Assn, t, 2: Ca/lwra Club 3; Argo/lauts 4; Sigllla Kappa (Secretary 4). Don-ie One 'Ed is beLLer than two . . Fridays ill Finksburg "Oh pot!" . T.U. COil vert . Pool widow . "Maybe I call borrow Ed's car" . Breakfast never, hamburgers anytime Chaperone of Stevedore's club. Front 1'0\\' Soc. student .. Special laugh for every occasion. Authority 011 naming children. Wedding bells will be "Peeling" this summer. 1,2; M.S.M.1, 2. (Vice-Presidell/ .3,1; Ka/)/)(1 It, (Sec- Chi Passion Flower of silent films. One of tbe grease paint set. Soc. major who understood Dr. Huber .. Past desire to be airline hostess changed to wedding bells ill Never here on weekends Avid desire for apples agaill will I cut nl~' hair." 46
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