Page 43 - YB1953
P. 43
NANCY ANNe HOLLOWAY PIli: Alpha fI1u. 2, 3, 4, {Treasurer 4); junior Follies; Can/erblllY CllIb 1, 2_ "Nance" _ _ Known for grunts and M. counseling ... One of ,he better waitresses at Ocean City ... Proud member of f..S.C. "Hurry up, Bev" Always listens with gestures .. "Ray" of light in the future ... Hopes to be an Army wife .. Aspires to be an opera star, if there nrc no mice urOUIHI _ "Night and Day." NELL TAYLon HUGHES Stu.dent. COUerlllll.elll Repcesentatiue J; Glee Cillb 1, 1, 3, 4; Basketball I, 2, 3, 4; Badmiuton. J, 2, 3, 4; 3,4; Soft.ball J, 2, 3, 4; College Pfayers 3, 4; Choil Ctob J, 2,3,1., (Vice-Presidelll, 2, President 3); member 2, 3, Preside/lt 4); Sigma Siglll.a Council: 3; ha.iar Follies Co-duecior , Who's Who. "Neller" Baltimore lass, always smiling and full of fun __ Personality plus .. Staunch Supporter of Canterbury Club and Sigma Sigma Tau .. Cornell [an ... A lways charging ofT to n IIwcling .. , Known [or her "uke" and group singing " Believes in the Earp-ian way . "Honestly" . Shining light of the S,C.A. "That's terrific" "Hi, you-all." SHIRLEY MAE JARVIS Phi Aillfw Mil-; College Player.! H, 4. "Shirl-gh-l" . Grille major. hridgc minor. Knit-wit . Supports all old lady named Shipley Spicer's problem child. Ocean City __ Never seen without earrings . Squeaky voice ... Author- ity 011 crossword puzzles ,ALlends classes regularly . . "l doubt it" Lost her preny "blonde" hair . Actress of some note. 42
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