Page 138 - YB1953
P. 138
GAMMA BETA CHI The Gamma Bets, upon returning to school ill the most important of the club's events, the September, opened the fall schedule in tradi- Sweetheart Ball. tional style with an impromptu gathering at the The fraternity's social program was ·full and Homestead, where enthusiasm and sphit was enjoyable and was heartily supported bv the generated in planning the full activities. With members. In intramural athletics, although not the aid of their sister sorority, Phi Alpha Mu, the always finishing first, the Gamma Bets furnished members were seen at home football games strong competition in the frnt league. As a reward for the work which was done duriujr the :~~~ngh~:l~~le::ml~~td~~~~Ss,C~~lt~:~eS~~I1!lar:~~~~: year, there were parties at various limes which possible many nell' features ill the clubroom, a provided the members with pleasant relaxation. ping pong table, couches, [amps aud the high- The oflicers for the first semester were: Stuart light-a new television set. After a successful Abrahams, President; George Van Nostrand. smoker, fourteen new members were received Vice- President; Fred Burnside. Secretary; Edgar into the fraternity. Coffman, Treasurer; Ashby Collins, Chaplain; The winter season again saw the Gamma Bets and Thomas Pearce, Sergeant-at-Arms. promoting the sale of Christmas cards on During the second semester the Gamma Beta campus, and the season's spirits were made more Chi officers were: George Van Nostrand, meaningful by the preparation of a Christmas banquet for a needy Westminster family. President; Robert Langrall, Vice-President; Brothor-aister relations for the year were Raymond Faby, Secretary; Edgar COfJtlUlrt, cemented by the annual party for the Phi Alphs. Treasurer; Arthur Shanklin, Chaplain; and The close of the season brought about perhaps Sterling Carter, J38
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