Page 134 - YB1953
P. 134
ALPHA GAMMA TAU Alpha Gamma Tau, Western Maryland's oldest uhunni was held at Frocks alter the fool hall fraternity, began its twenty-eighth year last game. September. Officers for the first semester were: The smoker was held October 30 in the club- John Wilhelm, Presitlent; Elmer Hichnrds, Viee- room with the Director of Athletics, Charles President; Bob Kaufman, Secretary; Ken Havens, speaking aud showing movies; and the Childrey, Treasurer; John Thomas, Chaplain; faculty advisor, Professor Frank Hurt, adding and Harry Grander, Sergeant-at-Arms. a word of welcome. Bidding took place the next Homecoming ectvities and pledging were the week and after a strenuous pledge week thirteen highlights of the Bachelors' fall program. "Ctee». new members were formally initiated into the ing up the Tigers" was the theme of the par-ade fraternity on November 13. They were: Russell float with Dave Rhoads at the wheel of a painted Cook, Nick Petite, Bill Moore, Phil Lawyer, up Model "A" Ford, and the display II'(\S a Terror- George Antonas, Sam Mann, Larry Lockhart, loon which was erected near McKinstry Hall. Lou Fogler, Bert Springstead, ArL Gould, Jerry The annual Homecoming banquet for fraternity Sussman, Barry Winklemann, and Ellis Cline. 134
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