Page 135 - YB1953
P. 135
Christmas time found Alpha Gamma Tau hold ing open house in their clubroom. With donations procured lrom each member. the organization purchased canned goods and other foodstuffs which were distributed 10 needy families in Westminster. Preparation for the Mid-Year Hop occupied A yodeling i\'lann the "Blue and Whites" when they returned to January 17 ill Gill Cvmnasium. campus after the holi(lay vacation. Bob Kaufman He-deoorntion of the Iraternitv clubroom was was Ceneral Chairman for this event and hc was the major undertaking of the Bachelors during assisted by Jack Urian, Dave Rhoads, Elmer the second semester. Delta Sigma Kappa, the Hicherds. and john Edwards. The dance, featur- sister sorority, wus entertained at an outing in ing Les Michener and his orchestra, took place March. Seated: E. Richards, J. Witl,el"" D. I{hoads. .1. Wolfe. St(llldillg: .I. Edwurds, K. Childrey. R. Kallfnwrl, J. Tho"'H~ . .I. Urian. H. Grander. 135
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