Page 142 - YB1953
P. 142
Lei/, /0 rigtn: C. Hndlllall. 1\1 lluu nar. .I. Bark.:kw, S. Hurvey. MAJORETTES CHEERLEADERS [vel' since 1948 when the first Majorette The cheerleaders, proudly sporting their new Corps was organized at Western Marylunrl white turtle-necked sweaters, sparked the years athletic events. Regardless of weather 01' score, College, the Majorettes have added color and the cheerleaders could be seen cheering to tile sparkle Lo the activities of the football season. end throughout the football season. The basket- This year three new girls joined the Corps to ball season round them equally as enthusiastic- replace the members who had graduated, and and in better climatic conditions. under the leadership of the captain, Joan BarkeĀ· In addition to these activities at the games, the cheer lenders could be heard as well as seen at lew, Lhey worked out many intricate twirling and Pep Rallies in Alumni Hall, Hcc room, and Gill Ill(lrching routines. Au.ired in new uniforms GYIll. They could also be heard although not consisting of green corduroy skirts, white seen at their various rehearsals within the girl's blouses, and gold vests, they look purl in the dorms. halftime shows on HofTa Field and performed This yeara squad was able to accomplish so in the pep rallies and in the parades downtown. much through whole-hearted cooperation with their leader, Patty Ray. The group included The girls hope to cniarge the Corps next year. Patty Ray, Adeline Allen, Nancy Moyer, Lira They are looking forward to another successful Rollins, Doris Tuckwood, Put Hamersly, Janet season to which their Hashing batons can Cross, Joan Kellogg, Bar-bara Phillips, Marilyn contribute pep and spirit. Coombs, and Les Werner.
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