Page 136 - YB1953
P. 136
DELTA PI ALPHA The 1952ยท53 edition of the "Preacher" fratern- the S.C.A. Bazaar and raised some much needed ity got under way with its initial meeting Oil cash for the \V.S.S.F. . Tuesday, September 30. The first semester Coming back to a nell' year, our dub was in officers were: Michael Rentko, President; Robert full stride with the winter sport of intramural Winfrey, Vice-President; Carroll Warner, Secre- basketball keeping us 011 the go. The second tary; Dwight Scott, Treasurer; William Pfeifer. semester officers were: Dwight SCtHt, President; Corresponding Secretary; Wesley Gebhard, Carroll Wlll"ner, Vice-President, Gilbert Stange, Chaplain; and Richard Curvet, Sergeant-al-Arms. Secretary; William Pfeifer, Treasurer; Larry We were faced with the responsibility of Taylor, Corresponding Secretary; Larry Crist, taking care of this year's Homecoming Dance, Chaplain; and Pat Rogan, Sergeant-at-Arms. which was October 25. A simple theme of the Our banquet fur firer ~emesLer WIIS held lit "Pigskin Hop" was used, and under the able Scholl ie's in Littlestown, Pu., and as usual it was direction of general chairman, AI Trevethan, the accompanied by a perfect atmosphere of fratern- dance was successful both financially and ity spirit and a good time. At this rime [nrma] socially. installation of second semester officers was held. Our fraL football team placed second in the Besides our sponsor, Dr. Marshall, and honorary final list of the season's most interesting fall member, Jim Boyer, the club invited Dean sport, missing the championship because of a David, Professor Willen, Dr. Earp and Dr. forfeited game. Phillips as guests. As the Christmas season drew nigh the club With exams iust around the corner, the club entered the spirit of things by decorating the took II momentary breather before plunging into club room, sending cards, and giving a basket to another semester which produced a heavy a needy family in the town. As another evidence schedule of activities, resulting in much success of good will, the Preachers sponsored a booth in and excellent achievement. Many seniors will 136
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