Page 132 - YB1953
P. 132
Fi:r,'1 row: N. Hughes. B. Lowe, E. Edwards. B. PlaskeL N. Kroll. N. Sudofsky. M. Arnie. fl. Burkel. C. Strickland. W. Pearson. Stuart, C. Bunling, R. Duo. C. Jones. Fourth row; E. Widdoes. SU[l1mers, 1. Hollmann. B. Coob. SIGMA SIGMA TAU Returning for another semester 011 the Hill. party with our brothers, the "Black and Whiles". the Sigmas were welcomed by Deborah Wilbra· And who doesn't remember the party ill our OWII ham and her assistants Frances Scaggs, Vice- clubroom complete with Santa Claus and a President; Nancy Kroll, Secretary; and Dixie Christmas tree. Davis, Treasurer. We were ofT to a more than The officers for the second semester were: successful start with thirty-six nell' "skunks". Nancy Kroll. President; Nell Hughes, Vicco "Time 10 push out the walls, girls!" President; Barbara Bankson, Secretnry ; tlild Homecoming found us with another prize and Rosalie Otto, Treasurer. welcoming two hundred seventy-five guests. In The Sigma Circus was 11 huge success, corn order to send CARE packages the Sigma plete with colton candy, clowns and the cancan. calendar tradition was continued. Before going With the tea over. it will soon be time to say home for Christmas vacation, we held a joint "Coodbye't-c-but we'll he back. 132
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