Page 94 - YB1952
P. 94
Within a five minute period the Terrors length ened their advantage with a 42 yard drive culmi- nating in a second payoff. Tullni was hurt in this series of plays and was taken from the field. Stev- enson came into replace him and with Henderson and Tullai both OUt of action, Ray had big shoes to fill. The Cumberland lad was equal to the task and sparked the play with dazzling line smashes which carried them to the one. From here Me- fague smashed through the line. After Zepp again converted, W.M. was on (Op to stay. The Terrors added one more for good measure on a pass from Stevenson to Hart, who made a story book catch of the bobbling aerial to go into the end zone. The score read 20-12 and this truly was a hard fought victory. Seven down and only an improving Hopkins eleven to face an conquer for the dream season of any ream. On the 17th of November the whole converged on the Homewood campus to see team finish up their work. The Blue Jays were Barreling through powerful team but were nor to be under- This was Hopkins' Homecoming and aside that, rhe Johnnies are always up for a W.M game. Hopkins was never in the game. The first rell the football boys that; they gave their answer quarter score was 13-0. At half time it was 20-0 on November l Dth with a 20-12 win Tullai and McFague carried the leather rhrough Balogna Bowl. In the first half, Lebanon the line, around the line, and threw passes over the dominated the scene and at halftime it was line. Hopkins gained a fluke T.O. in the last favor of the Pennsylvania team. In the period with W.M. driving for another tally, they half, a different W.M. team came onrc the fumbled rhe ball. Hopkins' alerr guard grabbed they seemed to be filled with T.NT. in both the ball in mid air and lumbered 97 yards for their as they recovered a Lebanon fumble on the lone six-pointer. The gun sounded shortly there- yard stripe and McFague powered over for after and the scoreboard read \VM. 33-Hop- first W.M. score. Zepp converted for (I 7-6 kins 6. Eight down There it was, all wrapped in 90
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