Page 70 - YB1952
P. 70
'The sophomore year is always the worst edly inro campus life. We were beginning to take unquote the upper dnssmen We weren't quite on new responsibilities and we liked the feeling. 1n sure what they meant at the beginning of the year, order to keep lip the fine reputation set by the and we're still nor sure, We starred the year with llpper classmen, we starred early on our j unior the arcitude that we were no longer freshmen Follies, and made many plans for the junior year a whole year had gone by since those green days Our freshman haze behind us, we also realized This rime we issued the orders instead of taking the importance of books and seriously settled down them, We even won rhe Tug 0' War, and were to good, hard work and discovered that it wasn't kind hearted enough to banish the Freshman Rules so bad after all. It gave us added courage ro see With the bidding of fraternities and sororities our class members participate in athletics and acnv- we found ourselves plunged into new activities, ities otherwise neglected in our freshman year. \'V'e After the initiations (they weren't as bad as They really felt that the college would fold IIp if we said they'd be) were over we joined whole heart- were not in our designated positions in other
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