Page 66 - YB1952
P. 66
It didn't rake long to get to be seniors. That will forget the good times we have had together was the firsr rhing rhnr all of us felt when we came the plays, bridge in the Grille, and the crabs back (Q the Hill. The first three years had gone by that didn't last long enough at the senior picnic. somehow, and here we were ready to go into the We learned to work, and we learned to play final year at W.M.C. This time it would be a little together. different this time we were the leaders, we We will cherish our years at W.M.C. In spite were the ones that would carry rhe ball. Sororities of the fun and gayety that is part of college life, and frnremiries meant something that they hadn't we did our share of griping and remembering the meant before, and when bidding came in the fall, "good old days" of the roaring '40's. But, in spite we were more serious than we had been before, of it all, it wasn't long unril we donned the caps because we knew rhar we were filling our places and gowns and became graduates of Wesrern next year we wouldn't be around. Maryland. We were glad it was all over, glad to So it was with all of the activities we engaged take our niche in the "cold cold world", but we in a little more serious, but always ready for a were a little hesiranr to let it all go. Many of us good rime because we knew those were the times have thought about college, thought about JUSt we would remember. The dances, the parties, the what we managed to accomplish in four years. Saturday night date (if you were lucky), and even There were many answers, as many answers as classes were met with a new interest. None of us there were graduates, but we could all agree on one
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