Page 68 - YB1952
P. 68
We, the Class of 1953, look in restfospect on leadership in extra-curricular acriviries At the end three memorable years as we assume our roles as of the year, it was difficult to realize that we had Seniors completed one-half of our college career. As Freshmen we soon became oriented 10 col- As Juniors we captured second prize for our lege life, and we took time out from scholastic Homecoming float and then spent long hours pre- work to be active participants in extra-curricular paring for the Junior-Senior Prom and our Follies activities. One of our first accomplishments was We were proud of om many outstanding repre- winning the Freshmen-Sophomore tug-of-war at sentatives on the athletic field and in all of the Homecoming. Second semester we elected officers other activities. Classes, assignments, and exami- and became better integrated as a class under our nations were given special attention as we were own leaders beginning to think in terms of the future. We As Sophomores we worked and played even elected the editors for the 1953 Aloha, and the more enthusiastically-some of us entered fra- presidents of SGA and SCA were chosen from ternity and sorority life, all of us cooperated in among our classmates. As graduation drew nearer, surpassing our goa! for the Mid-Century Cam- we realized that the extra responsibilities of the paign, and as individuals we began to assume more Junior year were preparing us to be Seniors.
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