Page 65 - YB1952
P. 65
LANTERN CHAIN There are many things which shall become a part of our college memories the dances, the grille, Margaret and Earles, and maybe even a few classes. These are we rake for granted and don't miss until we not have them anymore. But most of all, we will remember the traditions that help to make Western Maryland what it is. As seniors there is one such tradition that is a little closer than the others. We have participated in lantern chain every year. Every year we have sung the class song, and felt that our day was a long off. We went through the stages- "verdant , "gay young sophomores" and "jolly Juniors" Then the time came. We were the "grand old seniors" being ushered Out into the "cold, cold world" Somebody"s lantern did burn up, and we remembered. Somebody sang a litde off key, and we remembered again. As we filed back to the Blanche Ward steps, we took Our and were grateful for tradition. "We are to honor you ., "<-Echoessoldy from each heart-" Molten Lava-c-?
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