Page 72 - YB1952
P. 72
This is just the beginning! Three important nfrer orienration week when you're weaned from years are still to come. In this year, we are the the handbook find placed on your own feet." Still youngsters, the object of all ridicule, the brunt of we scrambled eagerly for our first classes, all of all criticisms. We have suffered a little and which seemed scheduled for rhe early hour of laughed a lot. Orienrarion, assemblies, schedules. eight o'clock in the morning. This enthusiasm we mixers, football games and classes worried us a carried with us on the football field to cheer our little in the first weeks of school. With some of undefeated renm to victory. In facr, the large our timidity gone, we plunged into acrivities with cover-all signs which brushed our chins and heels eagerness. We soon learned nor to eat dinner in could not dampen our spirits the dining hall on Friday nights, not [Q tell any- This very over-flow of spirit, however, was a one we had food from home, how to study for special problem in itself. In the girls' dormitory three tests in one night, and how to sleep unnoticed where freshman study hours were strictly enforced, through lectures [he loudest revolt was evidenced. The house. Upper classmen gave us a gloomy picture of [he mothers complained nbour the scatterbrains who days ahead and pointed all! all the pit-falls of fol- forgot, lost or simply refused to lise a key. The lowing the schedules which were suggested by our older men students with grim faces fled to the advisors. "Wait," they said. "until the frog-dissect- library ro escape from the constant turmoil of the ing labs on warm May afternoons; imagine doing newcomers. Yes, our problems of adjustment to collateral with rennie racket in hand; wait until campus life had JUSt begun.
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