Page 19 - YB1952
P. 19
ADA ELIZABETH CALLENDER treasurer, -uice-presidens 4; nightly letter dub member . cheerleader and athlete supreme . known as "Sparkle Plenty plans trip down aisle with Lieutenant in June . frequently seen On sun porch in spring. rises fifteen minutes early to decide what {Q wear ... financier for Sigmas. loyal "New jerseyue" passion for Packards . "Speed Demon" "Ernest" interest in life nlro member of harmonic MICHAEL T. CHIRIGOS Football 3, hJ/er/Til [uanor former navy man. . Biology major Chern minor plays rugged game as guard for Havens amiable personality. friend {Q everyone versatile sparkplug for the Black and Whites hails from nearby Baltimore has jokes for all occasions proud of his Greek ancestry plans POSt graduate study favorite expression-c-tAw-w, come on" will be remembered for reasonable facsimile of Coach Harlow DORIS MARIE CORBIN Sigma Sigma Trill, secretary 4; ALOHA 3, 4. "Corbin" .. aspires to musical fame on uke never at a loss for words Sport" keeping up morale of our armed forces can be seen night before reading that book due tomorrow ronsranrly (and rightfully) blamed for all pranks rebel through and through . always to be heard over the crowd. where there's party there's "Corbin" . miraculous methods of obtaining knowledge of left-handed compliments EDWARD S. CRAWFORD Foo/bal! 2: Lacrosse 2, 3,. 4; Prencb Club 2, 3: Camera Ri/1eJ 4 Alias "Chief' one of the more athletic Black and Whites proud owner of the Elmer Fudd Chapeau Econ major with an eye for business ... fancies a young lady from Bethesda noted for his week-end Washington Express. . the rotund one likes his onion sandwiches, preferably with his friend, Mr. Premium, from Milwaukee 'Genna go on a diet next week"
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